The text for Aesop's Fables came with the following information as to its source from the internet: Please keep this file when distributing the Rouge Valley Aesop's Fables Broser. This is the Project Gutenberg-tm 10th edition of Aesop's Fables. Please send donations to: This book was entered by: Project Gutenberg Brian McBee Illinois Benedictine College Oregon State Library 5700 College Road State Library Building Lisle, IL 60532-0900 Salem, OR 97310 brianop@opac.uucp Translated into ASCII, proofread again, and edited by: Michael S. Hart, Director, Project Gutenberg Our Mac Consultant is Dave Long c/o Project Gutenberg. Our thanks to Apple and Caere for donating us a Mac, Scanner and OmniPage. Brian used his own hardware and software. Preface and introduction follow the main text. *START*******************The small print!*********************** 1). *BEFORE!* YOU USE OR READ THIS ETEXT By using or reading any part of this PROJECT GUTENBERG-tm Etext, you acknowledge, agree and accept the following terms, conditions and disclaimers. If you do not understand them, or do not wish to acknowledge, agree and accept them, please do not read or use this Etext. 2). ABOUT PROJECT GUTENBERG-tm ETEXTS PROJECT GUTENBERG-tm Etexts are "public domain" works distributed by the Project Gutenberg Association (the "Project"). Among other things, this means no one owns a United States copyright in any of the works, so the Project (and you!) can copy and distrib- ute them in the United States without permission and without paying royalties. To create these Etexts, the Project expends considerable efforts to identify and transcribe public domain works. Despite these efforts, the Project's Etexts and any medium they may be on may contain errors and defects. Among other things, such errors and defects may take the form of incomplete, inaccu- rate or corrupt data, transcription errors, unauthorized distri- bution of a work that is not in the public domain, a defective or damaged disk or other Etext medium, or an Etext that contains codes that damage or cannot be read by your equipment. 3). DISCLAIMER As to any real or alleged error or defect in this Etext or any medium it may be on, and but for the "WARRANTY ON MEDIUM" de- scribed below, (A) the Project (and any other party you may receive this Etext from as a PROJECT GUTENBERG-tm Etext) dis- claims *any* liability to you for damages, costs and expenses, including legal fees, and (B) YOU HAVE NO REMEDIES FOR NEGLIGENCE OR UNDER STRICT LIABILITY, OR FOR BREACH OF WARRANTY OR CONTRACT, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO DIRECT, INDIRECT, AND CONSEQUENTIAL, PUNITIVE OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES, EVEN IF YOU GIVE NOTICE OF THE POSSIBILITY OF ANY SUCH DAMAGES. 4). WARRANTY ON MEDIUM If the medium containing this Etext is physically damaged when you received it, you may return it within 90 days of receiving it to the person who distributed it to you with a note explaining the damage. Such person shall give you, in his or its discre- tion, a replacement copy of the Etext or a refund of the money you paid to such person for the Etext. If the person was the Project, the return address is 405 West Elm St., Urbana, IL 61801. Aside from this limited warranty, THIS ETEXT IS PROVIDED TO YOU "AS-IS". NO OTHER WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IM- PLIED, ARE MADE TO YOU AS TO THE ETEXT OR ANY MEDIUM IT MAY BE ON, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. 5). IF YOU DISTRIBUTE THIS ETEXT You agree that if you distribute this Etext or a copy of it to anyone as a PROJECT GUTENBERG-tm Etext, you shall: * Only give an exact copy of it, without alteration or modifi- cation to any part, including this "small print!" statement. * Honor the terms and conditions applicable to distributors under the "WARRANTY ON MEDIUM" described above. * Indemnify and hold the Project, its officers and members harmless from any liability, cost and expense, including legal fees, any incur because of any alteration, modifica- tion or addition to the Etext by you or for which you are responsible. *END*********************The small print!*********************** DRAFT OF 09-30-91 Charles B. Kramer, Esq. NY and IL Bars (212) 254-5093 *************************